Saturday, April 19, 2008


We are a nation of Principles, that the middlemen have heard as Principals and made into a "game" of personalities' and their showmanship!

But for us in the streets, Principles come first! They seem to be strongly held by us, but fuzzy amongst and rarely spoken. of They are usually strongly acted upon. WE THE PEOPLE need to bring them out in a stronger focus for us all. To start such a "popular exposition" of these Principles, I offer mine. They are in rank from highest to lowest: You all must critique and add!

1. No matter what, one must philosophize.---Bertrand Russel(?)
2. Know thyself.---Socrates/Plato
3. All persons are created equal with life, liberty, justice and property rights.---Declaration of Independence++
4. We pursue the greatest good for the greatest number: but with the least bad/damage to all least numbers.--- equality.
5 We have given you a Republic, if only you can keep it.---Benjamin Franklin re Constitution.
6. But now all men must know the law.---George Washington re Constitution.
7. Ignorance of the law is not "no excuse"; but, it is impossible to know all the law we now have.---Anonymous.
8. God does not play dice.---Albert Einstein.
9. Mankind stupidly plays too much dice: all risk is manageable and minimizable, so play it smart.---Recent Anonymous.
10. If you pay taxes you are an unwilling buyer.---Anonymous
11. Let the buyer beware.---Very old saying orginally in Latin: coreor emptor(?).
12. We are all always first and formost members of the militia; for eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty and Justice.---truth.
13 Don't trust but verify.---a corrected Reaganism.
14. We have met the enemy and he is us!---Pogo.
15. There's a sucker born every minute.---P. T. Barnum.
16. Any government that can loose one of its accepted Amendments (our XXVII-th) for 100 years, is a sucker's government and we want no part of such "messing up".---anonymous ex bureaucrat and military personage.

These are my cut at making more explicit for all of us our true "street and jury level citizen voters truths". They are held above and before the first paragraph of the US Constitution and is our common law of he commons in the street, use it in juries.

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