Tuesday, April 1, 2008


If we're Non-Constitutional, then we need to become Constitutional! Right? The www reference to our "transcribed" Constitution is at www.NARA.gov in three parts. And it's loaded with sidebars, bypasses, and "various ad hoc commentaries" that can seriously divert one.
  1. There is no section marked "Preamble" in the original document. There is a first section beginning "WE THE PEOPLE..." (This first section has come to be called "The Preamble".) that states the purposes and goals of the following documentation. There is no title for this document either. (It has come to be called called "The US Constitution".)---So no act, law, treaty, resolution, etc., is Constitutional unless it is consistent with the stated purposes. If they are not, they are Non-Constitutional. Candidates for such Non-Constitutional items are Congressional and Presidential wars of resolution, vice Congressional Declarations of War, The use of the National Guard off US territories, etc., and the 20-th so-called "necessary and proper" power of Congress when used opposing the purposes.---And also, having once traveled through Missouri, I say "Show me these acts, laws, resolutions, etc., do serve the purposes fully, and stated within the act or law, etc., enacting statements."
  2. A as "All rights not specifically..." are reserved for the states and the people. The power of interpretation of the Constitution, is not given to the Supreme Court.---So between the states and the people, I choose to let it be by the people in jury service or convention. Such would be Constitutional!
  3. The President is given no power to make law signing statements, to refer to them, nor to use them in any other manner. He is to veto or sign only, nothing more is allowed. So quit the signing statement nonsense, it's Non-Constitutional!
  4. The President is to give a "State of The Union" statement to Congress from time to time. As in my bank statements, my business plans, our "stock prospectuses", accounting, etc., documents so the "State of The Union" should be written as a legal non fraudulent document, and contain sub-references from his "subordinate Departments" of the same style and quality.---So, let the State of The Union be such a written document, and let the President demand and include supporting statements from his "subordinates", as he is Congressionally allowed. Anything less is empty and void. As it's now practiced, I call it Non-Constitutional.
  5. No, I did not lie, the above are my big 4. But, there is more to come, I hope, from both me and from you! It/they shall begin with #5.

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