Friday, April 18, 2008


All these are shortened paraphrases folks:

1. The word liberty is used only once in the Constitution.
2. States can't make money....except they can use silver and gold in transactions.
3. More people know the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag than know the "Constitution's first 
4. There is no Pledge of Allegiance to the US Constitution.
5. The Constitution makes us "Independant" and a "Republic" but are we either.
6. The Constitution has more "Congress shall.." statements than any other.
7. Liberty and Justice are not in the so-called "Bill of Rights".
8. Congress can only "Declare War", not let war become as a "Resolution".
9. The "militia" is to be used only on "US territory" to repel invasions and suppress riots.
10. Bill/Law Making" is well defined, Resolutions are only "mentioned".
11. Nowhere is the process of "delegating" Constitutional power or duties" allowed.
12. Nowhere is "Administrative Law" allowed.
13. "The Rule of Law" phrase is nowhere used in any form except in recent rhetoric.
14. If a treaty or agreement gives away independence, we are not independent.
15. Congress sets the value of our money, it is now "fiat money" having no value.

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