Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am by no means a historian. Nor am I a lawyer. I rely on expert sources though who are. My history inclined sources tell me that not only did "Abe" be the only president that came from a "third political party"; but, that his staff consisted of only two persons.

With these, he successfully "sneaked into Washington DC" under fear for his very life to assume the office to which he was elected. He wrote a magnificent "All American Document", the Gettysburg Address. He declared, with the help of Congress whose duty it is to make the formal declaration, war against the south on Constitutional grounds forbidding a state to succeed. He fought this war with an unbelievable mess of generalship bungling and won that war. He freed slaves and led the effort to make slavery illegal. He started, I'm told a rational reconstruction; but, it was soon perverted beyond recognition after his presidency. He carries that "sin of association" still in the south.

All of these were done in difficult times while he himself was suffering what has been described as "debilitating depression".

Compare to us now. We have a president served by a staff of scores of scores, who declared a war by resolution with the help of Congress who also contributed to declaring war by resolution: but who actually has the only War making powers given in the US Constitution: the power to declare war. He has fought this war, or s o we hear, as a possible negligent ex-service person himself, without our knowing his orders to his military, how well those orders are being carried out, and what the reasons are for this war are. And he seems to be only loosing while not supporting and defending the US Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic, but rather by bending it quite out of shape. Or so it is that my informants indicate.

Perhaps he needs a staff of only two. If Abe can do it, cannot the man from Crawford Ranch TX do so also? Seems cost effective!

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