Wednesday, April 2, 2008


In the beginnings of our cognition of "anything", all "anythings" were quite fuzzy. This may sound like only symantics or "philosophy"; But, "No matter what, we all must philosophize!" (A universal truism said by ones greater than me--but that I take as true in all the following.) This remains true for Constitutionality, and for the last post on Non-Constitutionality. Said another way, by other greats: "First define your terms."

There is a great bit of gamesmanship in all of this though. But no gamesmanship is allowed among a group holding similarly defined terms and "philosophies". At present, the game of those in positions of government is purely bureaucratics = climb the success ladder, dump on all subordiants, compete with all peers, grab turf and budget at all costs, and like teflon, let nothing"bad" stick unto you. In this view, they are the preditors (actually canibalistic predators) and we the prey, unless we decide not to be. Decide that by chosing your beginning.

Mine as I was taught is a mish-mash of half truths, fable, and nonsense, without a single clear principle that was more than "a clausal only" argument piece, useful to the predators. I got my beginnings from reason, reality and thought. It is only that:
  1. Present Americana began at least before the "French and Indiasn Wars", something I'm slowly being convinced is actually the "real" WW-I of the western war.
  2. It had a lot of britishisms in its society, practices, definitions, and "principles", but more importantly it had the beginnings of revolution change and independence.
  3. The first of these in importance was the concept of "The Commons", and the second it's cousin "The Militia", which was practiced upon the Village Green, or Commons.
  4. The second was the Sons of Neptune who united against sea-born injustice and tyrrany (herinafter to be the opposite of liberty) and founght.
  5. The third was the Sons of Liberty, who united against all injustice and tyrrany fought.
  6. The fourth was the Continental Congresses and their Continental Army.
  7. The fifth was the Articles of Confederation between the 13 colonies.
  8. And after that bureaucracy set in as:
  • A "convention" was called to "improve" the Articles of Confederation.
  • That convention instead rewrote all of government, changed the rules by which government change would occur, and did so all in secret (the "truth" remains still not "known", but only being declared so with the sanctifying of a private journal by a latter day President.
  • The process of adoption of the "new form" must be said to have been one of coercion.
  • Wars were declared and fought, though not without outside help.
  • And the US Revolution, a minor sideplay of the "real" WW-I.

From there much has happened, and many decrees of sanctification and revisionism followed. it can all be considered hearsay and folklore for establishing beginnings and definings. The above alone is more than enough to establish THE BEGINNINGS, which will follow with THE BIG 7?!

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