Saturday, May 3, 2008


From the past writings, we get that the Constitutions first paragraph and some of its internal writings are a "contract" for us citizens to set up some "agents" who are to provide us sets of deliverables, and that these agents can charge us for those services by a bunch of taxes of their own design.

Since the collected "Scientific Method" measures of 1) Observe, 2) Hypothesize and 3) Test, are the only means known for any or all of us to get the same answers about the workings of the world, including finding our mistakes in using the method, it follows that the processes for ensuring the deliverables must be derived from science. So far they are not!

So, our agents must fund and learn science and do the derivation or they are in default. And since they have allegedly delivered services for a cost, we should get an itemized receipt for those services, and a quarterly accounting statement of the net worth, assets, liabilities and fiscal soundness of our agents "structures".

The first quarterly statement should be very, very long showing their full compliance with the Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, by which they reached their present "policies". (As they use the word policy, it is an ad hoc, as I use it it is a statement of goals, with description of the "derived" path to said goals). And, as I know the "sciences are not yet complete, I'd better see in the list of goals a commitment to completing "science".

That we don't get these, is grounds for presenting our government a "request for redress of these our grievances". I do hereby present mine one behalf of all of us. You are invited to join with me in doing likewise for the common good and welfare.

All those favoring the "faith claiming" neo-cons versions of "policy"; just note, that they are the same old cons as always!

Commons Sense

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