Sunday, May 4, 2008


One of the main reasons to have a written enforced Constitution upon which to establish a people's governance, is to prevent or at least try to control those features of human nature that we know exist but do not wish to be allowed to get out of hand.

One of these is keeping sociopaths out of our governing bodies; something that can be tested for in public servants and candidates, e.g. the Revised Psychopath Check List, and "The Ice People", Psychology Today, Jan/Feb 2005 by Martha Stout. That it is not tested for is said to be an invasion of "privacy". It is also a guarantee that these types will be in decision making spots of influence, power, and money abuse areas.

Another is the prevention of so large a body of "laws" being allowed, that it is impossible for anyone to know them all, therefore for anyone to check their consistency within themselves and the first paragraph requirements of our present Constitution, nor to find "hidden special interest" laws that are not for the General Welfare. The two largest bodies of law we have now are the Tax Laws and the Immigration Laws, both being in the billions of words. And the words are themselves mysteriously crafted for mis-direction.

The immigration laws tie into special interests of political and economic themes. And there is the voter, citizenship, and general Identity problem contained within them that have very troublesome "side effects" that go beyond just immigration if not handled properly.

But the worst of all the human nature issues we wish to exclude from our governance concern money and reside within the obvious incomprehensibility of the tax laws. I know of only one way to stop this and that is any of the proposed "Flat Tax" proposals to replace our present tax law. It was first proposed by Milton Friedman, and remains a truly magnificent proposition. It is best learned by Google searches on "Flat Tax". I truly wish it for all of us. Until it or a cousin law comes into being, the presently "in vogue term" the rule of law is nothing but a non-Constitutionality we must avoid.

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